"She craved thrill, adrenaline... Adventure!"
What are some times where you've just taken time to explore the world around you, went to places in town, visited another place, or really any adventure you found fun.
I had many an adventure growing up. When ever I tell people about it, they either believe I experienced it, or they think it's a "fishing story," until they realize I'm not kidding. So I don't expect a lot of people to have the same adventure stories, but hopefully I can find new ways to have a great time :)
I remember I used to live in Vegas about 4 years back now, born and raised, and I would pretend to be a tourist every now and then when I'd get stressed. I would let myself fall in love with the architecture and the lights. I still miss it to this day, keep on having neon dreams, ya know.
When I was in my teens I'd frequent tunnels / storm drains, because I found it interesting to see the more harsh sides of life. I'd embrace the rugged people, the graffiti, the broken things arranged to create an assemblance of what one would say looks like "home." (A period of my life landed me there myself once, but I always kept positive, and looked for ways out.)
And I'd always like to run off into the desert. Its amazing all the random trinkets you can find out there. But then again I'm a bit like a human crow. If I find a small thing that looks good to me, I put it in my "treasure box" at home.
Well, there's 3 of mine.